The reason why we chose this brand from Hungary, was the quality and the style. In Hungary we can find a lot of other brand with good quality, but the Mystic Nails is above average. Their gels and acryl system is giving us the possibility to have trust in the other products as well. With the right usage we can build perfect nails, and these nails can hold for a long time.
The style and design, how they create their products showing us the profoundness. The style is simple and smooth, bit promising a lot.
The fact that I can sell her products makes me really happy. I can make you sure these marks are worth it. Her gels won a lot of awards and you can find them already in 25 countries all over the world.
Dóra Gyimesi 13 years ago create this wonderfull product.This is how she describe her company
"13 years. That’s how long it took for us to be able to put our
slogan into words, which means the birth and existence of Mystic Nails for us.
Nails = Since this is our profession and that’s what
we are authentic in. We are proud to be one of the most
popular and acknowledged nail brand presenting products
exceptional quality, and not only in Hungary, but also in
more than 20 countries already.
With love = As a genuine family based company, we
believe that loving somebody and being loved is the true
meaning of life. Our brand culture is fed by this creed,
and, although we have never said it out loud but our
partners, our customers and even the media consider us
as a real ’Love Brand’.
By passion = Did you know that more than a decade ago
I risked everything I had to follow my dream? I put all my
money and my time also my growing nail tech carrier at risk.
Why? Just because I had a dream and I was that passionate.
I truly believe that us, nail techs, we are passionate artists
and this passion was my motivation from the very beginning
to create something special, something meaningful.
Now my goal is not (only) to create something special on
someone’s nails but creating a brand community where
nail techs join us because they also believe that beside
professional skills, there are other values, which are just as
important: love and passion.
This is my dream."